From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Display type and branding

Display type and branding

- Typography plays a huge role in some of the most memorable visuals in our everyday world. I'm talking about branding. Every company, big and small, has an identifying mark, a logo. Display type faces provide a vast array of potential design options for logos. Logos are the central component of branding. A good logo is simple. It might be type, spelling out the full name of the company, or a shortened version of its name, or even just one letter representing the company's name. A good logo conveys the essence of the company. It is the visual symbol of a company used in every aspect of its branding, including signage, advertising, packaging, and every possible type of print and screen-based use. Choosing the right typeface is the beginning of an effective brand identity. Look at the rounded fat shapes of the letters in this typeface named Frankfurter. The rounded shapes are welcoming and comforting, like a big soft…
