From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Discover how hierarchy works

Discover how hierarchy works

- We're surrounded by type all the time. So how does type stand out in a busy environment? One way is by using hierarchy. Hierarchy is the visual organization of text. Hierarchy is the way type is presented in order to reach out to the viewer and then to indicate levels of importance of the information. Your local supermarket has thousands of products, and each one is packaged to attract you. So supermarket packaging is a great place to examine how hierarchy works. Products in the same category use branding and hierarchy to compete for your attention, and they send plenty of subtle and not-so-subtle messages to influence your buying decisions. Let's look at a few examples that show how well some competing packages communicate their individual personalities and their brands. Each package design creates levels of typographic hierarchy by using changes in type style, size, weight, color, position, and orientation. Those…
