From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Developing your typographic "eye"

Developing your typographic "eye"

- Earlier in this course, I mentioned the importance of developing your typographic eye. I'm constantly educating myself about how type is used. I look at typography all the time. I get a first impression. I look at details. I deconstruct it. I think about the choices the designer made and the possible reasons behind those choices. It's the first thing I see when I look at anything with typography, magazines, web and mobile pages, signs, menus, product packaging, building signs, book covers, and even this cool example of typography in this terrazzo floor. And of course, I think about redesigning everything I see. That's what designers do. We can't help ourselves. I want you to see typography everywhere like I do and to really think about what you're seeing. That is the best way to educate and develop your typographic eye. Just keep looking at typography and how it's used everywhere, every day. And when you're…
