From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Color and tonal weight: Exercises

Color and tonal weight: Exercises

- In this video, we're going to look at typographic color in body copy or text type. When we use the word color referring to body copy, we don't mean colors of the rainbow. We mean the gray scale or overall tonal weight in a block of text type, whether in a print-based project or a screen-based project. This is completely different from the weights in an individual typeface like bold or extra bold. This is more subtle. It requires closer observation. Training your typographic eye to see the differences in tonal weight will help you make informed choices when your project requires a significant amount of body copy, like these examples. The gray scale or tonal weight is based on four variables: the typeface, the size of the type, the leading of the type, and tracking of the type. Here are some exercises that I use to teach my students to see the tonal weight based on each of these four factors. You can create your own or just…
