From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Breaking the rules

Breaking the rules

- Perhaps at this point, you're thinking that typography has so many rules and standardized practices and principles. Well, you're right, but every body of knowledge, every discipline has its rules. If you were learning to play the piano, you would first have to learn how to read the musical notation. Then you would have to practice at a very basic level, playing scales over and over again until they were exactly right. Eventually, you might learn to play a complex piece of music and you'd have to work to hit every note until the piece was perfect. Then, and only then, would you know enough to begin to interpret that piece of music by allowing it to become more expressive, seen through the prism of your own experience. Like any other field, typography has its conventions and rules. We've covered these rules in this course. You must know and learn to follow those rules. Yet, some of the most wonderful and effective…
