From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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Branding using typography

Branding using typography

- Earlier in this course, we talked about the important role that display type faces play in branding. Branding is critical to the success of every enterprise, whether commercial, not-for-profit, institutional, governmental, and even personal branding. Why does typography figure so prominently in branding? It's a natural. Letters simultaneously convey the actual name of a company or organization, as well as representing its visual persona. Branding is a specialized area within the field of design, and you'll find some great courses here at LinkedIn Learning on developing, creating and implementing branding strategies. In this video, we are going to look more closely at the typographic aspects of branding. We'll examine some time honored typographic logos, some rebranding of logos, and some newer typographic logos. The American Airlines logo has amazingly remained unchanged since Massimo Vignelli designed it in 1967. It is…
