From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Layout and Composition

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Making words work harder

Making words work harder

- Typography is pictures of words, and graphic design at its core is the combination of words and images. The exact word or words and the way they are depicted in layout are as important as the imagery. And there are times when the image quality is an issue. So, how do we see and access content? When we look at a layout, we first scan for a recognizable image and determine if we understand it or not. If the image is a person, we decide if we recognize him or her and what is happening. Next, we look for a headline that will confirm what we think or provides alternative information. In this case, the cover for the Israeli magazine block issue number one. And finally we access the smaller copy for more detailed content. Here, the information for the issue, architecture, media, theory and the urban environment for the winter issue. Here's another example. First, we are presented with an image that needs an…
