From the course: Graphic Design Foundations: Ideas, Concepts, and Form

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Why use humor

Why use humor

- Humor is often disregarded as a viable option in graphic design. There is a philosophy that graphic design should be serious, intellectual, hard-line problem-solving, with no room for levity. I couldn't disagree more. Graphic design is a serious profession that deserves to be recognized for the rigor, complex process, and positive results for business and culture. But it doesn't need to be grim and self-important. People enjoy humor so allow it into the work when needed. An idea can range from light and clever to completely off-beat. This ad by Colin Forbes for Cunard Cruises is a great idea. Forbes represents the ship with a Victorian etching. He then uses party streamers in place of smoke to communicate the idea of fun and casual. This fused metaphor asks the viewer to solve the visual puzzle and rewards him or her with a light and joyful message. Humor often depends on the wink towards something we expect and…
