From the course: Google Sites Essential Training

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Add embedded URLs and links

Add embedded URLs and links

- [Instructor] As this is our About Us page, in addition to having the staff listed, let's give site visitors our contact information. I could either click to insert a text box on the right-hand side, but I always prefer double-clicking where I want it to go as it's much quicker. I'll double-click directly underneath and choose Text. Now I can start typing the contact information. I can resize this text box by clicking and dragging inward on the blue dot. I want to do that because I'm going to put in another text box to the right of it. I'll double-click inside that blank space and click to make a text box again. Now I can type some more information. I could also click to drag this text box and resize it if I wanted to. I can also bold face certain text to make it look nicer. I could also change the style and do whatever I want to with it. Notice how when I typed the web addresses, it automatically converted them to…
