From the course: Google Sites Essential Training

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Add editors to help build a site

Add editors to help build a site

- [Instructor] A great feature of Google Sites is the ability to add editors and work with them simultaneously on your site. When you add someone to work on a site, it will show up in their list of sites that we saw on the main screen in that last video. They can open it whenever they want and start working on it even if you already are. Let's see that in action. To start, I'll need to share my site with someone else, and I can do that by clicking the Share with others icon on the top right-hand side of the screen. Here is where I can see who currently has access. For example, people that can edit the file, anybody that can find and view the published site, and here's me. I can see here on the right-hand side that I'm the owner. I can start inviting people to work on this with me by putting in their name or email address. I can add a message if I want, and I can change their access rights to editor or just a viewer.…
