From the course: Google Sheets: Pivot Tables

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Pivot a pivot table

Pivot a pivot table

- [Instructor] The real power of a pivot table comes out when you want to rearrange your data dynamically. A task that would take several minutes if done by hand takes just a few seconds when you summarize your data using a pivot table. In this movie I will demonstrate how to pivot your pivot table. My sample file is 01_03_Pivot and you can find it in the chapter one folder of your exercise files collection. This workbook contains two worksheets. The first is sheet one which contains the base data and the second worksheet is called pivot table two, that's what we're looking at right now, and that contains my pivot table. And you can see that it's laid out so that my projects are my row headers and years of 2016 and 2017 are my column headers. Well let's say that I wanted to change that arrangement. For example by putting my years as my row headers and my projects as my column headers. To do that I can go over to the pivot table editor. And if you happen not to see this task pane, for…
