From the course: Getting Started in User Experience

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Content creation and management

Content creation and management

- When you think about it, pretty much any user interface is a transport mechanism for content. E-commerce sites display product images and descriptions. Knowledge work interfaces display business data. Every word and image in the interface is trying to convey meaning in an efficient and unambiguous way. So, why is it that content production, arranging, and curation doesn't take center stage on most development projects? I think the reason has a lot to do with the bad old days where once the product was finished, it would be handed to the technical writer to create the manual, or user assistance to write the help files, and to marketing to write copy for the back of the box. In reality, the content experience is a central part of the design process. You can't create high-fidelity prototypes without suitable graphics, images, and text. You can't develop the backend content management system without knowing what types of…
