From the course: Getting Started as a Full-Stack Web Developer

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Uncover hidden technologies with Wappalyzer

Uncover hidden technologies with Wappalyzer

From the course: Getting Started as a Full-Stack Web Developer

Uncover hidden technologies with Wappalyzer

- [Instructor] As you roam the web with the eyes of an apprentice web developer, you're bound to find sites that make you wonder, "How do they do that?" Fortunately, there are tools that'll help you answer that question. One of my favorites is called Wappalyzer at The website is pitched more at marketing people than tech people, but don't let that put you off. As a developer, you can look up one or two websites for free by going up to Products and Technology lookup. But the much more useful tool is under Products and Apps & Integrations. Here, you can install a browser extension that'll tell you about every website you visit. Since I'm using Google Chrome, I'll click that one, which takes me to the extensions page on the Google Chrome Web Store. And then I click Add to Chrome. I'm warned about adding an extension. Yep, I do want to do that. And once installed, you're taken to a confirmation page. To use…
