From the course: Getting Started as a Full-Stack Web Developer

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Develop for content-management systems

Develop for content-management systems

- [Tom] One of the first videos in this course showed various ways to create a website. Our course project for the Landon Hotel was created in the most do-it-yourself way, as you can see by looking at it in a text editor. Its two pages, index.php and reserve.php, are just plain old HTML, and obviously some PHP. Building a site from the ground up is a great way to learn the basics, but in the real world you'll often start with a content management system, or CMS. That is a generic site that you customize. Unlike web-builder sites like Wix, or Weebly, or Squarespace most content management systems are open source, profoundly customizable, and can be run on whatever web host you have. And there are a lot of them, as this list on Wikipedia shows. By far the most popular is WordPress, which according to one source runs about a third of all websites in the world. To be fair, much of that is run on That's a…
