From the course: Get Funded to Grow Your Business

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Small offers

Small offers

- Think about the last time you were in line at a tantalizing buffet. You're ogling that roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, and peas. Then the server scoops three peas, one bite of mashed potatoes, no gravy, and a slice of roast that is so thin that you can see through it. Ouch, the disappointment just stings. That's how it feels when you receive an offer and terms sheet that is much smaller or at a much lower valuation than you expected. Now, how does that kind of thing happen? The truth is, it happens a lot. Your personal credit may not be up to snuff. Founders typically experience a decline in their personal credit scores because they're often taking out loans and leaving unpaid balances on multiple credit cards as they get their companies going. Just as it negatively impacts a mortgage or other loan application, a poor credit score, it can dramatically shrink the amount of money you can get access to. Your…
