From the course: Get Funded to Grow Your Business

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Be a growth warrior

Be a growth warrior

- Congratulations! You've taken a huge first step towards embracing how you're going to get the money that you need to grow your business. Thank you for taking the time to take this learning journey with me today, it's been meaningful. Now, you should have a better understanding of why fundraising is such an essential part of business growth, what obstacles are there, and how you can overcome them. So, hit the pavement and start pitching for capital. The skills I've highlighted are going to take time to master, so keep working on it, don't give up, and give yourself some grace. This week, look for investor open office hours and pitch contests that you can join. Just get started. Start practicing, start doing right now. Here's some additional resources to help you along the way. Check out the "Flying Coach" podcast with Steve Kerr and Pete Carroll. It's so good for general insights on leadership development. And…
