From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

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Where do humans fit in the future of AI-driven recruiting?

Where do humans fit in the future of AI-driven recruiting?

From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

Where do humans fit in the future of AI-driven recruiting?

- Are you getting the sense that AI could replace quite a bit of the recruiting lifecycle? Well, if so, you'd be right. But just because you can automate something, it doesn't necessarily mean you should. And there are some areas within talent acquisition where the human element adds value. So let's take a look at them. An obvious area where humans should have an advantage is empathy. This is a key component of recruiting. However, some studies have shown that at least when it comes to written communication, people judge ChatGPT to be more empathetic than humans. And ChatGPT outperforms humans in emotional awareness evaluations. Of course, ChatGPT can't really have empathy or emotional awareness, but it is exceptionally good at mimicking it. But just because AI can effectively fake empathy or emotional awareness, I don't think that we're at the stage where people will actually form relationships with AI within…
