From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

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How recruiters can use generative AI in talent acquisition

How recruiters can use generative AI in talent acquisition

From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

How recruiters can use generative AI in talent acquisition

- Generative AI can have a positive impact on practically every stage of the talent acquisition process. Here I'll walk you through a wide variety of GenAI use cases within recruiting so you can have a full appreciation of the potential it can bring. We've already talked about using GenAI to create job descriptions and postings, and you can also use GenAI to easily craft effective employer branding and social recruiting content including text, images, audio, and video. When it comes to sourcing, GenAI solutions understand natural language at the grammatical level, so finding people with specific skills becomes a simple task. For example, you can type in, find me people in the Atlanta area who have recent experience implementing Salesforce, and you won't just get keyword matches, you'll get people who actually have the skills you're looking for, as well as adjacent skills to help you identify additional potential…
