From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

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How hiring managers can benefit from generative AI

How hiring managers can benefit from generative AI

From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

How hiring managers can benefit from generative AI

- What if hiring managers could use technology to perform nearly all necessary recruiting tasks in as little as 15 minutes per day? Does that sound crazy? Well, with gen AI and intelligent automation, it may actually be possible. Let's take a look at how Gen AI can make it easier than ever for hiring managers to participate in the talent acquisition efforts of a company. Earlier in my course, you learned how gen AI can be used to create job descriptions, screen and schedule applicants, and provide status updates to candidates. Imagine a conversational interface that allows hiring managers to quickly and easily create and post jobs with just a few initial prompts making changes to their job requirements based on talent supply and diversity insights, review and reject applicants, schedule screens and interviews, and craft and negotiate offers, all with a few clicks. That last point about negotiating offers may seem…
