From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

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How generative AI can facilitate internal mobility

How generative AI can facilitate internal mobility

From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

How generative AI can facilitate internal mobility

- Does talent acquisition only apply to external hires? What about hiring from within? Let's take a look at how Gen AI can help recruiters by facilitating internal mobility and increasing retention, therefore reducing recruiting required for backfilling roles. While some companies have a well-meaning approach to internal mobility by offering employees access to an internal job board for them to search, this is far from an ideal experience. It's also quite limited and inefficient. Basic keyword capabilities prevent employees from easily finding all of the available job opportunities that could possibly match their skills, interests, and aspirations. Just as gen AI's capabilities can help recruiters and external job seekers when it comes to searching and matching, employees can also benefit. As I shared earlier, gen AI allows for natural language search at the conceptual level which means it actually understands what users…
