From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

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How generative AI can be used by candidates in recruiting

How generative AI can be used by candidates in recruiting

From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

How generative AI can be used by candidates in recruiting

- What do you think of job applicants using ChatGPT to write the resumes and cover letters? On one hand, it may seem unethical, but on the other hand, why shouldn't people use every tool available to them? Job seekers can use Gen AI for much more than resume writing. So let's take a look at some of these tools to get you thinking about how you might need to change your recruitment processes. You may want to consider using Gen AI in your website's job search functionality. Job seekers often use basic searches of a single title or a couple of words, which may not return all of the best matching jobs you have to offer. Because Gen AI understands the meaning of words, even basic searches become powerful and inclusive, returning the most relevant jobs available. When it comes to resumes and cover letters, using ChatGPT or other Gen AI tools isn't really much different than using the services of professional resume writers,…
