From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

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Embracing generative AI as your recruiting copilot

Embracing generative AI as your recruiting copilot

From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

Embracing generative AI as your recruiting copilot

- So what can you do to make sure you stay informed, educated, and in a good position to take advantage of the benefits of Generative AI within recruitment and steer clear of the risks? Let me walk you through my recommendations. First, get and stay informed. One of the easiest ways to stay on top of the latest developments in Gen AI is to set up some Google alerts. One of them should be focused on terms, like ChatGPT or Generative AI. The second one should include those terms along with terms like recruiting or HR or talent acquisition. You'll then receive daily alerts of matching internet content and stay informed of the latest developments and thoughts in the space within a few minutes a day. Of course, you can also search on LinkedIn for AI and recruiting content and follow thought leaders in that space to stay up to date. Second, you should throw fear and uncertainty out the window and resist any urges you have to…
