From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Creating excellent job role descriptions

Creating excellent job role descriptions

From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

Creating excellent job role descriptions

- I will never forget taking on my first general manager position and my new boss said there is no job description for my role, but he was confident I would work out what I had to do. Well, it wasn't easy having to feel my way and to guess what I had to focus on doing and achieving. To be a successful leader, you need to both understand the importance and usefulness of job descriptions, and be able to create them. Here's why. Can you imagine having a team and none of them have descriptions of what they're supposed to do and achieve in their work? I'm sure you can see that this is a recipe for disaster, and should be avoided. Your employees can only consistently perform well if they have clearly-written job descriptions which contain three main parts. Number one, the goals and required outputs of an individual's job role. This is the most important part of a job description as it sets the expectations of what a…
