From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

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Analyzing the reasons for poor performance

Analyzing the reasons for poor performance

From the course: Foundations of Performance Management

Analyzing the reasons for poor performance

- Managing staff who aren't performing well can be your most difficult task and it's the one topic I'm most asked about to help with during my coaching work. It was also my own main struggle when I used to manage different sized teams. Your team's performance and behavior reflect on you as their boss, and it's important that you learn to observe and understand the different reasons why they may be struggling to achieve their goals and meet your expectations. You can successfully achieve this by doing four things. Start by always trying to spot future performance issues before they become fully blown problems. Being proactive in this way will give you the chance to rectify things before it's too late. The early warning signs look out for might include a person starting to act differently such as complaining and gossiping more than usual, being slower to complete tasks and working longer hours than normal. Often asking…
