From the course: Font Management Essential Training
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Validating fonts
From the course: Font Management Essential Training
Validating fonts
- [Narrator] Before you start using a font it's important that you validate it to make sure it's not damaged or incomplete in a way that will cause you problems later on. Let's see how font validation works in Font Book. You can either validate a font before or after installing it with Font Book. By validating before you install fonts you can prevent bad fonts from ever being activated on your system. Validating after you install fonts can help you clean out bad fonts and to troubleshoot to see if a particular font is the source of problems you're having with the a document. To validate a font with Font Book before installing it choose File, Validate File, and locate the font or a folder of fonts that you want to validate. I'll choose this folder of really old fonts on my desktop and click Open. And when the validation process is done I have some fonts that passed validation and these will be okay to use, some minor problems were noted and I can probably use these fonts with no…
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