From the course: Font Management Essential Training

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Understanding the Mac font folder hierarchy

Understanding the Mac font folder hierarchy

From the course: Font Management Essential Training

Understanding the Mac font folder hierarchy

- [Instructor] There are several special folders you can place font files in to use them on a computer running MacOS 10. But what if you have different versions of the same font in more than one of those places? Well that's when the Mac's font folder hierarchy comes into play and determines which fonts get activated. And where you put a font also determines which users of that computer have access to it. So let's take a minute to understand the MacOS 10 font folder hierarchy. A computer running MacOS 10 will have at least three font folders. The first we'll discuss here is the system library fonts folder. So starting at the top level, Macintosh HD, we'll double click and go to the system. Open that and inside there is the library. And inside there you'll find a fonts folder. In another movie I go into more detail about this folder, but for now just remember that you should treat this folder with a lot of respect and avoid adding, removing, or modifying anything in here. These are the…
