From the course: Font Management Essential Training

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Managing and packaging fonts in InDesign

Managing and packaging fonts in InDesign

From the course: Font Management Essential Training

Managing and packaging fonts in InDesign

- [Instructor] There's no shortage of tools and features for working with fonts in InDesign. You can quickly enable, or disable fonts for a specific document or for the application as a whole. There are also tools for finding exactly which fonts are used in a document and if need be replacing them. Plus when it's time to archive a document or send it to someone else, you can package the fonts in a folder so there won't be any problems with missing fonts later on. So let's take a look at managing and packaging fonts with InDesign. I'll start by opening an InDesign document that I know has some font problems. I'll go to the Exercise Files, chapter nine, lesson two and double click the InDesign file. And right away I'm greeted with the missing fonts dialog box which tells me that there are two fonts used in this document that aren't available on my system and that a substitute font will be used until I get those fonts activated. I can either just acknowledge this, and dismiss the dialog…
