From the course: Finance Strategies for Business Leaders

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Financial market risks

Financial market risks

- Finance leaders are expected to know a lot about financial markets and the economy. And they're likely to have both an official and an unofficial duty to discuss these often and at length, but they're not likely to just wax poetic about the economy and financial markets. There's a method to the madness and a purpose to the discussion. And that's because they're looking at how financial markets and the economy impact a company's bottom line and translating that understanding so other people inside the company and outside the company can also understand it. The most important financial market risks for many companies include interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and commodity prices. These are the risks that can swiftly erode and consume a company's profitability. Connecting the dots between the movements and these financial markets and the economy and a company's bottom line and key risks is important for financial…
