From the course: Finance Strategies for Business Leaders

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Finance decisions are business decisions

Finance decisions are business decisions

From the course: Finance Strategies for Business Leaders

Finance decisions are business decisions

- There's an old joke that a CEO's job is to spend the money, and the CFO's job is to say, "No." I've seen plenty of companies with excellent products and services die because they didn't understand good financial practices or because they didn't have enough authority vested in their finance team to make sure that they followed the straight and narrow. For some business leaders, finance is some kind of black box, and even worse, for some, it's something that holds back a company's vision because of some numbers. The best way to combat this situation is to ask a lot of questions. CFOs and finance leaders are not known to make whimsical decisions. In fact, they're usually very deliberate and if they're making a recommendation, they probably have their arguments very buttoned up. So if your finance leaders are proposing something, make sure to ask a lot of questions, because chances are, they have a litany of reasons…
