From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Staff styles and rhythm section parts

Staff styles and rhythm section parts - Finale Tutorial

From the course: Finale Essential Training

Staff styles and rhythm section parts

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we saw how staff styles could be used to add slash and rhythmic notation to drum set parts. Let's continue and discuss how to use those techniques in other rhythm section parts. So I've got the staff styles file open, and you can see that we have a lot of instruments here, and I've already entered most of the notes, and chords and other things, but I need to use slash and rhythmic notation to kind of finish this off. So let's look at the piano part, and I'll point out that in the top staff, I've already added the chords, and a few rhythms that need to be played. So let's go to the staff tool. And in the first measure, I can simply click that, and I can use my meta tool. Remember that if we go into the staff menu, and down to apply staff style, and current part score that you can see the list here. And I notice that there's about 26 different ones here, and most of…
