From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Slurs, crescendos, and smart shapes

Slurs, crescendos, and smart shapes - Finale Tutorial

From the course: Finale Essential Training

Slurs, crescendos, and smart shapes

- [Instructor] Slurs, crescendos and trills and other graphical shapes are like expressions in that they help a performer to interpret notated music. Let's look at how we can use Finale's smart shape tool to add these markings to a score. So I've got the smart shapes start and smart shapes example files open. I've tiled the two windows and I put them both in scroll view as we've done in previous videos. I've already got the smart shape tool selected as you see here, it's the one that looks like kind of a slur over a crescendo. And when you click that tool to select it you also get this smart shape palette that appears over here on the left. So one way that we can add shapes would be to simply click to select the shape in the palette and then double click in the score and drag to attach or lengthen the shape. So in this first measure, you'll notice that we need a slur that goes from measure one over to measure four.…
