From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Selecting instrument sounds

Selecting instrument sounds - Finale Tutorial

From the course: Finale Essential Training

Selecting instrument sounds

- [Instructor] In the last video, we looked at Finale's basic playback controls. Let's continue and learn how to assign sounds and effects. So I've got the Woodwind Quartet Sounds file open and let's start by going up to the MIDI/Audio menu, and again, I'll point out these two options here at the top and this is how we can choose what sound sets that we're going to be working with. So most of the time I work with Play Finale Through MIDI. Now that's because these are a little bit smaller samples and they provide a faster response while I'm working. They don't take up as much CPU usage and they're just a very basic sound set that don't get in the way. Now if you're wondering which sound set that that might be by default, we can go to Device Setup and to MIDI Internal Speaker Setup, and your default playback instrument is this SmartMusic SoftSynth when you choose the Play Finale Through MIDI. So I'll click okay and let's…
