From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Selecting, copying, and pasting notes

Selecting, copying, and pasting notes - Finale Tutorial

From the course: Finale Essential Training

Selecting, copying, and pasting notes

- [Instructor] Copying and pasting and other editing techniques begin with making a selection. So let's look at a variety of ways to make selections and at some of the related functions. So I've got the Copy and Paste Start file open, if you want to follow along. And if you haven't done it already, you're going to want to make sure that we have the selection tool chosen. So just to remind ourselves, I'm going to select the Text tool and I'm going to hit my Escape key once to choose the selection tool. And that would be the Escape key twice on a PC, if you want to do the same thing. So if you want to make a measure selection, we're going to need to click inside a measure but not on one of the notes. So I'm going to click in one of the empty areas. And if I want to extend that selection, I can simply hold down my Shift key and click in the empty spaces of other measures. Now here I did it one measure at a time but I…
