From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Mid-score time, key, and clef changes

Mid-score time, key, and clef changes - Finale Tutorial

From the course: Finale Essential Training

Mid-score time, key, and clef changes

- [Instructor] While the basic musical parameters don't change throughout many scores, in music for film and TV and other forms of modern music, you'll need to know how to add mid-score time, key, and clef changes. So I've got the Time Signature Start file open if you want to follow along. And let's start by adding some more measures to this score. So I've already got the Selection Tool selected, so let's go ahead and click measure 18 and then I'm going to right-click and I'm going to drop down to Add Measures. And let's type 15. Okay, so there are several ways to add these types of changes to a score, and I'm going to take you through about three or four of them for each thing that we're going to talk about. And let's start with time signatures. So one way we can do that is to go to the Time Signature Tool, which is the one that looks like a 4/4. and I'm going to go back to my measure 18 and I'll double-click and…
