From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Hyperscribe entry

Hyperscribe entry

- [Instructor] In previous videos, we learned how to enter notes into Finale using a mouse, a computer keyboard, and a MIDI keyboard. Let's look at another way to do this using Finale's HyperScribe tool, which allows you to record a MIDI keyboard performance in real time. So I've got open the La Petit Rien Start file, and the La Petit Rien Example file. And I've tiled them so that we can see both windows simultaneously. So there's a number of things that we need to set before we can begin recording a MIDI performance. So I'm going to start by going up to the MIDI Audio menu. And I'll point out that there are two ways to route your MIDI. One would be through an audio units type plugin, and another would be to play Finale through kind of its internal MIDI sound set. And the audio units are the better sounding samples and sounds but they require more CPU processing. So typically when I'm recording, I'll switch this to…
