From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Format and align lyrics

Format and align lyrics - Finale Tutorial

From the course: Finale Essential Training

Format and align lyrics

- [Instructor] Finale has gotten quite good over the years at automatically formatting scores. But music with lyrics can get busy and crowded. So, it's likely that you'll need to fine tune the line and lyric spacing or even change the font or font style. So, I've got the Format Lyrics Start document open, and let's start by looking at the line spacing. So, one of the things that I'll often do when I get to this point is set the baseline or the amount of spacing between all of the staves. So, I'm going to go to my staff tool, and then, to select the entire tenor and base stave, I'll click out to the left of it. Notice that it highlights that stave for the entire score. Also notice that it's selected the handle here on each one of these staves. And, with those all selected, if I click one of them and drag up or down, I can change the spacing between the tenor and base stave and the soprano and alto stave above it. So, I'm going…
