From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Exporting graphics

Exporting graphics

- [Instructor] If you're a student educator or music author, you'll want to export musical examples from Finale for use in other programs. Let's look at how you can export graphics from Finale. So I've got the export graphics file open, and let's go to the graphics tool. It's the one that's on the far right of the main tool palette on a Mac. And then on a pc, you'll need to go up to the window menu, and look for the advanced tool palette. And then once you open that, you'll see this same button or shape on the palette. Okay, with that selected, you'll notice that my cursor turns into a crosshair shape. With that, you can double-click, and drag this kind of dotted line box around the example that you want to export. Now, once you release the mouse, you'll see that the box has handles on it, and you can adjust that, and you'll want to do that because you don't want to have too much blank space around the…
