From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Creating Metatools for articulations and expressions

Creating Metatools for articulations and expressions - Finale Tutorial

From the course: Finale Essential Training

Creating Metatools for articulations and expressions

- Performance markings are often time consuming to add to a score, but keyboard shortcuts referred to as meta tools can greatly speed up the process. Let's review how to add expressions and articulations using meta tools and see how you can create some of your own. So I've got the creating meta tools file open if you want to follow along. And before we dig in here, I'll also comment that not only can we use meta tools with the expression and articulation tools, but also with the smart shape and even the selection tool. But let's start with expression. So I'm going to choose the expression tool and then I'll double click on a note here. And I've done that to open up the expression dialogue to just remind you that if you can't remember what meta tool is assigned to a particular dynamic or text marking, you can just look here in the expression selection dialogue and whatever letter or number is assigned is located in the…
