From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Adding expressions to multiple parts

Adding expressions to multiple parts - Finale Tutorial

From the course: Finale Essential Training

Adding expressions to multiple parts

- [Instructor] Adding expressions in large scores can get very tedious. So let's look at how you can simultaneously add expressions to multiple staves using keyboard shortcuts and staff lists. So I've got open the expression start file, and let's start by taking a look at some shortcuts that will speed up how we enter expressions. So I'll go to the expression tool and I'm going to add a mezzo piano dynamic to this first measure of the alto sax part. And if you remember, our meta tool for forte is four and if I go to larger numbers, I'll get softer dynamics. So five would be mezzo forte, and six would be mezzo piano. So we'll hold down six and I'm going to click this first measure. So I've added that dynamic. And if I go up to my expression dropdown menu you'll notice that there are some options here and they all have shortcuts assigned to them. So the one that I'm looking for is this copy expression to staff below. And the…
