From the course: Finale Essential Training

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Adding and deleting staves

Adding and deleting staves - Finale Tutorial

From the course: Finale Essential Training

Adding and deleting staves

- [Instructor] As we begin to work in scores with more than one instrument, we'll need to know how to use the score manager to add and delete staves. So let's go ahead and create a score. Let's go up to file and let's choose new and let's work with the setup wizard. So I'm going to choose the Finale Maestro document style and I could choose one of the presets here for ensembles because we're actually going to use a woodwind quintet but let's do that manually. So I'll click the next button, and on this page, I'll go to the woodwinds category and I'm going to select flute and click add. Same with oboe. And I'm going to add clarinet in A, which is a mistake but that we'll fix in a second. And then let's finish by adding the bassoon. All right, in our score information area, let's type the title. That's going to be theme and variations. And then I've already copied the subtitle because I didn't want to have to type it…
