From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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Simplifying figures into basic volumes

Simplifying figures into basic volumes

From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

Simplifying figures into basic volumes

- [Instructor] The first steps to adding tonality to the figure can seem daunting. But if we reduce the human form to our basic geometries, it makes it much easier. We practiced blocks, eggs, and cylinders in multiple positions, and now we can apply them to the figure. Once we do this, we'll have clear shapes to render tonally. Let's see how we can simplify our model's pose into block-like shapes. First, let's see how we can adopt a clear, planar approach and delineate front, side, and back planes to each body part. You can make a rule for yourself here, that you're only going to use straight lines to draw the figure. So as I come down the body, here, I'm trying to imagine this whole rib cage area as a rectilinear box. Attaching down to the pelvic region here, I can imagine the whole hip area being contained in another box, attaching the back of the leg, the back plane of the leg to the front plane of the leg, the back plane of the calf to the side plane of the calf. And even the foot…
