From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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- [Instructor] Exciting effects can be achieved with unconventional lighting choices and drawing techniques that create a loss of detail. When you're ready to challenge yourself with these lighting and rendering options, you'll see that your drawings will take on a dimensionality relating to atmosphere and emotion. Let's take a look at some of the ways artists create these effects. The first one I wanna show you is the silhouette. So, the silhouette is possibly one of the most powerful ways to use light and shadow. It's really difficult for many people to let go of detail and just render something as a dark shape. So I'm gonna teach you how to do that. The reality is that a silhouetted image engages the viewer's imagination a different way. Do we really need to spoon-feed the viewer with all the details? Or can we let them have their own experience with the work? An ounce of ambiguity can actually make an image more compelling and mysterious. Look at this Seurat drawing on the left…
