From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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Rendering cylinders with cast shadows

Rendering cylinders with cast shadows

From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

Rendering cylinders with cast shadows

- [Instructor] Let's practice turning a cylinder in space in preparation for applying the shape to the human form. So drawing a cylinder in varied lighting situations is an excellent practice for achieving the soft turn of a longer volume such as arms and legs. Look at this beautiful Pontormo drawing. As each leg shifts in position, you can see that it's really a cylinder. As I wrap cross contour lines around the thigh and then connect them, I'm making a cylinder. And If I imagine wrapping a ribbon around the cylinder, it's telling me not only about the dimension of the thigh, but also the angle of that thigh in space. If we look down at the lower leg, I can wrap a cross contour line around the region of the calf and then down around the region of the ankle. And then connecting those two cross contour lines and wrapping a ribbon around this form tells us something about the contrary position of that form in space. So simplifying limbs into cylindrical shapes will really help with…
