From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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Putting it all together

Putting it all together

- [Instructor] Chances are that when you draw from the figure, there'll be multiple things happening and you won't often get just a pure silhouette or camouflage. Notice the silhouetted arm here and the far side of the torso. So the arm right here is in pure silhouette and this side of the torso is also in silhouette. So all the details are obliterated. It's just one big beautiful velvety shape, and up against it, the background seems to glow. It's true bravery to just let forms like that completely merge into your darkest dark. That would be an obvious example of silhouette. On the right side of the body however, in this area, it's really being hit by the light pretty strongly. So when I squint my eyes down, a lot of the detail along the torso, and the ribcage there, really becomes burned out and really simplifies. So we're always looking for moments like this. There's another area down at the bottom here. When you squint your eyes down at the ankle, you really can't distinguish it…
