From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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Lighting your model

Lighting your model

- [Instructor] You have to make the light work for you. Without the proper lighting, there won't be enough tonal information to make a strong dimensional drawing. We've seen that it's easier to draw 3D geometric volumes dimensionally when there is dramatic light falling on them. This also applies to the figure. Comparing these two Prudhomme drawings demonstrates the difference between a flat front lit effect and a higher contrast image, when the figure is lit from the side. So on the left here, we see the light coming down and hitting the figure, and it's really raking across the whole form because this light is coming more from the front. On the right hand side, this figure is lit from the right. The light rakes across the form, and then once it hits a plane change, like down the thigh for instance, as the body angles away from the light it slips into darkness. And this is a much more high contrast image. In each of these drawings the figure is lit from a different direction. The…
