From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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Building tonality-varied mark making

Building tonality-varied mark making

From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

Building tonality-varied mark making

- [Narrator] Now that we've practiced building a basic gradient, let's explore how artists have used varied mark making to build lights and darks. Some basic mark making for tonal rendering include hatching. So, hatching marks really are these short strokes that go in one direction or another. But hatching can create some nice flat, faceted form. We also have cross hatching. In cross hatching, you start with hatching marks. And then, you begin to build darker values by crossing. Cross hatching at 90 degrees, at 45 degrees, and alternating it. That's cross hatching. And then, if you have a form that's rounded, we'll also use some cross contour marks, that rather than working with straight lines, you can practice creating rounded lines. And you can stagger those rounded lines to almost create like a weave that not only tells you about the dark and light of the form, but starts to tell you about the shape of the form as well. Working from Master drawings is a classic way to improve your…
