From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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Building structure to tonality

Building structure to tonality

- [Instructor] I always urge students not to rush to the finish. Have the patience to build the figure from the inside out. This is a step-by-step process that takes patience but the payoff is well worth it. Let's review it. So here's a dramatically lit image of our model. I'm gonna take you through building the figure, step-by-step, from structure to volume to tonality. Just as a visual review. Here on the upper left is an example of how I would start building the drawing, placing points on the joints. These are axis points. And then connecting them by structural lines to create an elaborate stick figure. This ensures the gesture of the body and the proper position of the limbs. Next, if we look at the image below it, once we have the structure, we can start adding on volumes. In this case, you can see the block-like volumes that you've been practicing added onto that structural realization. And this really ensures the sculptural nature of the body. Another way in, on the upper…
