From the course: Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

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Adding tonality, demo 2

Adding tonality, demo 2

- [Instructor] The next step is to create more gentle transitions between the light and shadow regions of the figure by moving from our block like shapes to a combination of cylinders and ovals. Here we can use cross contour lines and rounded hatching to build more refined tonality. The tonal facets you achieved on the block like drawings made dramatic divisions between lights and darks. Now we can make marks that specifically describe the body's rounded shape and render a greater level of realism. Now it's time to apply these concepts to the figure. Let's imagine rounded three dimensional shapes receiving light and transitioning from highest illumination to lowest illumination as a simple egg in candlelight might do. This helps the form take on even further sophistication as one renders light and shadow with these gentler transitions in mind. Considering softer transitions and how light wraps around more rounded forms makes it necessary to use our cross contour lines as a guide. So…
