From the course: Fieldwire: Construction Field Management

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View BIM metadata

View BIM metadata

- [Instructor] Once my model is here in Fieldwire I just click on the thumbnail, give it a minute to load. Again, sometimes this takes longer depending on how large your model is. Once your model opens here in Fieldwire you can use either your mouse or your keyboard to navigate around the model by scrolling, panning and zooming. Like you see me doing here on the screen. Now let's go ahead and just let's zoom way into our model to show you what we can do. Because again, this is a building information model. It is not just a 3D image. It's a building information model which means that this file, this model can also contain whatever information that was added to it when it was created. And a lot of times in a building information model, that includes information about the components that we're using in construction. So if I come over here and click on this particular beam or this particular connection for example, I can…
