From the course: Fieldwire: Construction Field Management

User profile and settings

- [Narrator] To get started, you will need a Fieldwire account, as I explained earlier. So, let me walk you through the process of getting signed up for an account. I'm gonna start here on Fieldwire's website, I'm gonna go back to the pricing page that I showed you earlier, and as you can see, there are several different options here. There is a free trial, and the free trial has some limited functionality. It contains most of the core functionality, that I'll show throughout this course, it just limits you to five users, you can only set up three different construction projects, and you can only have a total of 250 plan sheets in your account. Now, the upgrades to Pro and Business start giving you unlimited projects and unlimited sheets in your account, and they also add some different features. Now you can see those features here on your screen, and I'm gonna cover those throughout this course, and when I do get to one of these premium features, I'll be sure and tell you that you'll have to have either a Pro account or a Business account in order to access those features. I also wanna point out the Enterprise account option, this is the option that you can't set up yourself here on the website, you have to contact their sales department. But if you have at least 50 users that you're gonna sign up and pay for on your Fieldwire account, you would wanna use this Enterprise option because it'll save you money. So let's take a look at setting up a trial account, we're gonna go ahead and click on "try for free". And this is a quick and easy process of just entering your information along with your email address, and then you have to create a password. After that, you just click on "sign up". From there, it jumps right into your new Fieldwire account, and it asks you if you wanna set up a new project. We're gonna look at that a little bit later, so I'm gonna cancel out of that for now. You'll see that when Fieldwire sets up this trial account for you, it also creates what it calls an "external project", this is just a sample project that we can use to jump around in Fieldwire, and look at some of the tools and features. Now by "external project", this means that this is a project someone else created, and invited you to. As opposed to this section here under "my projects", which is where you can create your own projects. And once your account is set up, this is also where you can go to access your user settings, or profile settings. And you find those here in the upper right corner of the screen, by clicking on the down arrow next to your name, that you entered when you created the account, and then selecting "profile settings". So this is where you can go to add a picture, update your name or your email address, your company information, change your password, this is also where you go to set the way that you receive notifications from Fieldwire. And your options here, are to receive notifications instantly, daily, or never. So, the notifications are things like tasks that have been assigned to you. If you want to be notified by email, as soon as the task is assigned to you, select "instantly". You have a daily option, or a never option, which is gonna require you to log in manually and see if anything has been assigned to you. Now remember, your user profile is unique to you. It identifies you to the other team members, and it lets you determine how often you get those notifications. So keep this up to date, and remember that all of this stays the same, as you navigate between projects.
